Submissions open.

For creators who genuinely wish to engage in cutting-edge practices related to mental health, disabilities, minority groups, and art, this is a fantastic film festival.
— Morty Chen, director

Lived Perspectives is Film Festival dedicated to showcasing short films by filmmakers, artists, and activists who identify as Disabled, Neurodivergent, or Mad.

(Lived Perspectives) was a unique and necessary event, where as a disabled filmmaker I felt validated and understood. I was able to articulate deeply about my work without the slightest hint of ableism or patronising or tokenistic curation. It was a rare and uplifting space indeed. I loved it!
— Dolly Sen, writer - artist - filmmaker

Who we are

Lived Perspectives is a non-profit community interest company. This means that any income goes directly to benefit disabled and neurodivergent filmmakers through showcasing their work and seeking to build an open and supportive community.

We are based in the city of Winchester in the UK, where the in person film festival is held in association with the University of Winchester.

We have two Directors, Jess and Ian, as well as a fabulous group of students and volunteers who support us.

This is how you build a community.
— Duncan Ragg, director