Year 1, The Beginning

Lived Perspectives 2023

The very first Lived Perspectives Film Festival took place on the 21st March 2023 at the University of Winchester. It grew from the overlapping interests of Ian Roberts and Jess Redway with support from staff and students at the University of Winchester. We received funding and support, in particular, from the university's Disability, Equality, and Inclusion Group, the Nursing Department and the SHORT CUTS film club.

Of course it was also made possible by the enthusiastic support from our team of volunteer helpers, and the filmmakers who allowed their work to be shown.   

This trailer was created by Ian Roberts

This highlight reel was filmed and created by Natasha Fisher

How to enjoy the zine of the festival

  1. Download the zine

  2. Learn to fold the zine

  3. Make your own zine and share it with your friends

The Films

We showed seven films all by filmmakers who identify as disabled, Mad, or neurodivergent. There was also question and answer sessions with Amalia Noya Noya and Dolly Sen.

Also, there was cake and it was amazing!

Big thanks to the university’s catering team for the fabulous spread of deliciousness